Saturday, August 3, 2013


Jamu Recipes for Hair Blackening

Looking young may be the proud of every person, especially women who are most concern to their beauty and complexion. One way to keep us looking young is hair dying or coloring. In these modern days, plenty of hair dyes and a broad range of color choices are available in the market. Aside the chemical hair-dyes, natural coloring herbs and plants is still the preference of quite a lot of people. Here are two simple recipes that are commonly used hair and eyebrows blackening.

Recipe # 1 – Hair blackening 

Old papaya seeds (Carica papaya, biji papaya tua) – 20 seeds

Fry the seeds without oil (dry frying) until it becomes dry. Fine grind the dried papaya seeds until you get a black powder. Add a little water when applying the black powder to your hair, while massaging the scalp. Let it stay until it gets dry. Wash off and shampoo your hair. Do this daily until your hair blackens.

Recipe # 2 – Eyebrows blackening 

Candlenuts (Aleuritis moluccana, biji kemiri) – 3 pieces

Fry the candlenuts without oil (dry frying) until dry. Fine grind the candlenut until you get a black powder. Add a little water to make a black paste. Apply the black paste on to the eyebrows and let it stay until it gets dry. Do this daily until your eyebrows get black.

REMARKS: Papaya seed contains glucoside cacirine, a substance that possess the effect of blacken keratin, a hard form of protein that structures our hair and also found in our fingernails and toenails


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practitioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page