Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Jamu Recipes for Influenza

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Influenza, or commonly shortened to “flu” is an extremely contagious viral disease of the upper respiratory tract. It usually appears during winter, cold weather or rainy seasons. Flu can spread further into the lungs and causes more severe complications.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of influenza: fever between 101º–102ºF (or 38.3º – 38.9ºC) and can be as high as 106ºF (41ºC), chills, sore-throat, dry and hacking cough, muscles pain, general fatigue and weakness, nasal congestion, sneezing, headache

Recipe # 1
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) – 5 tablespoons
Cajuput oil (Oleum Melaleuca leucadendra, minyak kayu putih) – 2 teaspoons
Betel leave lime water (kapur sirih) – 1 tablespoon

Mix even the 3 liquids and rub the oil onto the chest, neck and back twice a day until condition gets better

Recipe # 2
Quinine (Quechua quinine, kina) - 2 finger-size cut of quinine bark
(Zingiber aromaticum, akar lempuyang wangi) – 1 finger-size cut
Papaya seeds (Carica papaya, biji papaya) – 30 seeds
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) – 2 tablespoons
Honey (madu) – 3 tablespoons

Clean wash the quinine, lempuyang and papaya seeds, and then grind them to a fine mixture. Put this ground mixture into 1 liter of warm water. Add the sour lime juice and honey, stir well and strain. Drink the decoction ½ a glass 3 times daily until the condition gets better.

REMARKS: If the patient has fever that last for more than three or four days and experiences short of breath while resting, or chest pain, these are signs that the patient has developed pneumonia


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page