Tamarind –dried (Tamarindus indica) 

The whole plant is poisonous but it has medicinal effects. The young leaves are applied externally for healing skin diseases, ulcers and rheumatism and are good sources of vitamin B, The tamarind pulp, which is frequently used in cooking, is cooling and act as a gentle laxative. The stronger pulp of old fruits, known asam kawak, is recommended for those who seek an abortion.

Cashew nut
 tree (Anacardium occidentale) 

The sap of the tree is poisonous, but the fruit is edible. Mixed with powdered lime, the leaves are made into a poultice for skin diseases and burns. The roots are laxatives and the bark makes an effective gargle. The oily juice of the fruit skin is prescribed for warts and skin ulcers, but it produces a sharp reaction because it contains a toxic tannin calledcardol, anacardic acid. The pounded fruit is a homeopathic cure for psychological problems like loss of memory, overwork and poor sexual performance

 (Datura metal, horn of plenty)

The leaves, roots and seeds are highly toxic. However, the roots are used in remedies for cholera, asthma and toothache, while the leaves relieves lower back pain, swelling and rheumatism

Tapak dara
 (Catharanthus roseus, Rosy or Madagascar periwinkle)

Although a lethal poison, it is a useful healer for certain forms of cancer.

Jarak kosta
 (Jatropha curcas, physic nut) 

Although its seeds contain two poisons that can burn the throat and damage intestine, it is often used for edema, dropsy, or as liniment for rheumatism, skin diseases and hair growth.

Kembang pukul empat
 (Mirabilis jalapa, The four o’clock flower)

It has poisonous roots and seeds, but the root is taken for chronic constipation, while the seeds are a mild laxative. When the seeds crushed into fine powder, it is used to make face powder.