Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Jamu Recipes for Tuberculosis

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Tuberculosis, commonly referred to as TB, is a chronic bacterial infection that can spread through the lymph nodes and bloodstream to any organ in the body but is primarily found in the lungs. TB can be quite contagious especially those with long contact with someone who has the disease. If not treated properly may lead to death.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of tuberculosis: a mild cough at the beginning; fatigue; loss of weight; cough with occasion bloody sputum or discharge; slight fever; night sweats; pain in the chest, back or kidneys and perhaps all three.

Recipe # 1
Betel leaves (Piper betle, daun sirih) – 3 pieces
Cloves (Syzygym aromatica, cengkeh) – 7 pieces
Cubeb pepper (Piper cubeba, kemukus) - 7 seeds
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamommum, biji kapulaga) – 7 pieces
Cinnamon bar (Cinnamomum cassia, kayumanis kulit) – 1 bar

Put all ingredients in 4 glasses of water and boil until t ½ of the initial volume. Strain after cooling. Recommended dose: ¼ glass 3 times a day

Recipe # 2
Indian mulberry juice (Morinda citrifolia, perasan buah mengkudu) – ¼ glass
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) - 1 tablespoon
Turmeric juice (Curcuma domestica, perasan kunyit) – 1 tablespoon

Squeeze each material to extract its juice. Mix all the juice together and boil for 15 minutes. Drink this decoction ¼ glass once a day.

Recipe # 3
Betel leaves (Piper betle, daun sirih) - 5 pieces
Cinnamon bar (Cinnamomum cassia, kayu manis kulit) - ½ bar
Ginger (Zingiber officinale, jahe emprit) – 1 finger-size cut
Cubeb pepper (Piper cubeba, kemukus) – 7 pieces
Cloves (Syzygym aromatica, cengkeh) – 7 pieces
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamommum, kapulaga) – 7 pieces
Fennel powder (Foeniculum vulgare, adas manis bubuk) – ½ teaspoon
Pulosari tree (Alyxia stellata, pulosari) - ½ finger-size cut pulosari bark

Burn the turmeric rhizome for a while and peel, clean wash and bruise. Put all ingredients in 4 glasses of pure water and boil until left to 2 glasses. Drink the decoction ½ glass 3 times a day

REMARKS: The causal treatment of tuberculosis with antibiotics is a long range therapy that needs patience and discipline of the patient. If treatment is not following the proper medical advices, therapy is useless and relapse may occur. Today stronger antibiotics has been introduced and administered making the therapy much shorter than before.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page


Jamu Recipes for Influenza

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Influenza, or commonly shortened to “flu” is an extremely contagious viral disease of the upper respiratory tract. It usually appears during winter, cold weather or rainy seasons. Flu can spread further into the lungs and causes more severe complications.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of influenza: fever between 101º–102ºF (or 38.3º – 38.9ºC) and can be as high as 106ºF (41ºC), chills, sore-throat, dry and hacking cough, muscles pain, general fatigue and weakness, nasal congestion, sneezing, headache

Recipe # 1
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) – 5 tablespoons
Cajuput oil (Oleum Melaleuca leucadendra, minyak kayu putih) – 2 teaspoons
Betel leave lime water (kapur sirih) – 1 tablespoon

Mix even the 3 liquids and rub the oil onto the chest, neck and back twice a day until condition gets better

Recipe # 2
Quinine (Quechua quinine, kina) - 2 finger-size cut of quinine bark
(Zingiber aromaticum, akar lempuyang wangi) – 1 finger-size cut
Papaya seeds (Carica papaya, biji papaya) – 30 seeds
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) – 2 tablespoons
Honey (madu) – 3 tablespoons

Clean wash the quinine, lempuyang and papaya seeds, and then grind them to a fine mixture. Put this ground mixture into 1 liter of warm water. Add the sour lime juice and honey, stir well and strain. Drink the decoction ½ a glass 3 times daily until the condition gets better.

REMARKS: If the patient has fever that last for more than three or four days and experiences short of breath while resting, or chest pain, these are signs that the patient has developed pneumonia


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page

Monday, April 16, 2012


Jamu Recipe for Rhinitis

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Rhinitis is the inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and is usually caused by an allergic reaction. The allergens or factors that triggering the allergic reaction may be dust, pollen, cold weather, cigarette smoke, or air pollution by the traffic and industry.  

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of rhinitis: clogged nose, breathlessness, coughing and sneezing, fever in some cases.

Lemon grass (Cymbopogon citratus, batang sereh) – 3 stalks
Red ginger (jahe merah) – 2 finger-size cuts
Cloves (Syzygum aromatica, biji cengkeh) – 7 pieces
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamommum, biji kapulaga) 7 seeds
Cinnamon bar (Cinnamomum cassia, kayu manis kulit) – 1 bar
Caesalpinia sappan – ground wood (bubuk kayu secang) - 1 teaspoonful

PREPARATION AND DOSAGE: Decoction; clean wash all the ingredients. Bruise the lemon grass and red ginger and boil in 6 glasses of water. Put all the other ingredients into the boiling decoction and let it boil until left to 3 glasses of water. Strain after cooling and keep in a clean bottle. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day. To enhance taste, add some honey as sweetener.



The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page


Jamu Recipes for Mumps

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Mumps is a mild viral infection of the salivary gland (parotid gland) that occurs most frequently in children between the age of 3 and 10 years. It is indicated by the swelling on one or both sides of the child’s face, above the angle of the jaw. Once the child had the mumps, the child will never get it again since it has developed a natural immunity. Regulation in various countries requires immunization of children before starting school age.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of mumps: swollen, inflamed salivary gland located above the angle of the jaw, on one or both sides of the face; fever and fatigue. In some cases affecting teenagers, secondary inflammation of the testes or ovary or pancreas may occur. Inflammation of the testes is visible, while of the ovary or pancreas can be felt as an abdominal pain.

Recipe # 16
Platycerium bifurcatum - leaves (daun simbar menjangan) – 2 leaves
Salt (garam) – adequate amount

Clean wash and fine grind the leaves. Add a little salt and water then apply to the affected area

Recipe # 17
Daun terup – ¾ handful
Bilimbi leaves (Averrhoa bilimbi folia, daun belimbing wuluh) – ½ handful
Shallot (Allium ascolonicum, bawang merah) – 3 cloves
Vinegar (cuka) – 3 tablespoon

Clean wash all materials. Then squeeze it while mixing with the vinegar. Apply to the affected area 2 times a day.

REMARKS: The presence of severe headache and neck pain may indicate the signs of meningitis, a serious infection affecting the brain and should seek for immediate medical treatment. 


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Jamu Recipes for Bronchitis

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Bronchitis is an upper respiratory disease where the mucous membrane lung’s upper bronchial tube becomes infected. The swollen membrane narrows or shut off the air passage triggering the cough reflex which is accompanied by the thickening of phlegm and breathlessness. There are two types of bronchitis; acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is generally caused by lung infection, where as 90% are viral of origin and 10% bacterial. Chronic bronchitis are caused by repeated attacks of bronchitis which weakened and irritate bronchial airways overtime. Other factors causing chronic bronchitis are polluted air and heavy smoking.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of acute bronchitis: hacking cough, yellow, white or green phlegm, fever, chills, soreness and tightness in chest, pain below the breastbone during deep breathing. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis: persistent coughing with yellow, white or green phlegm for at least 3 months in a year for more than two consecutive years, wheezing, breathlessness.

Recipe # 1
Mentha arvensis – leaves (daun poko) - 1/3 handful
Euphorbia hirta – leaves (daun patikan kerbau) – 1/3 handful
Citric oil (Oleum citricus, minyak jeruk sitrun) – 2 tablespoon

Clean wash the leaves and grind to fine. Add the citric oil and then mix even. Apply this mixture to the neck and cover with a cloth.

Recipe # 2
Chinarose (Hibiscus Rosa-sinensis - Kuntum bunga sepatu) – 2 flowers
Salt (garam)

Clean wash the flowers, put in 1 glass of hot water and add a little salt. Squeeze the mixture and strain. Drink it 2 tablespoonful 2 times a day

Recipe # 3
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica, kunyit) – 2 thumb-size cuts
Euphorbia hirta – leaves (daun patikan kerbau) – 1 handful
Rock sugar (gula batu) – 25 grams

Peel and clean wash the turmeric, cut to thin slices. Put it in 4 glasses of pure water together with the other ingredients. Boil until left to 2 glasses. Take ½ glass 3 times a day.

REMARKS: Since the cause of bronchitis is viral and bacterial of origin, the administration of an antibiotic is required.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page


Jamu Recipes For Whooping Cough

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Whooping cough is a highly contagious respiratory infection which is considered as the most serious infection during childhood. If untreated, it can cause lung damage, and recurrent bronchial infection; in infants it can lead to brain damage and even death. It is often associated to very young children, but older children and teenagers can be affected too.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of whooping cough: A runny nose in the early stage, followed by a persistent cough and sometimes with a low-grade fever. After 7 – 14 days, severe spasm of coughing may appear. The typical coughing is followed by a high-pitched whooping sound like forcing air in a voice box. The onset of coughing is sometimes followed by vomiting. In some cases the child’s lip turns to blue due to lack of oxygen.

Recipe # 1
Yellow club, leaves (Oxalis corniculata, daun semanggi) – 1/3 handful

Clean wash the leaves then boil it in 13 liters of pure water and keep it boiling until left to a quarter of its volume. Strain and add adequate amount of sugar. Drink ½ glass 2 times a day.

Recipe # 2
Clitoria ternatea (flower) - Kembang telang (bunga) – 4 flowers
Clitoria ternatea (leaves) - Kembang telang (daun) – 16 leaves
Fennel powder ( Foeniculum vulgare, adas bubuk) – ½ teaspoonful
Pulosari tree (Alyxia stellata, kulit pulosari) – ½ thumb size cut of pulosari bark
Shallot (Allium ascolonicum, bawang merah) – 1 clove
Honey – 1 tablespoon

Clean wash and fine grind all materials. Put the ground material in ¾ glass of warm water, and then add the honey and stir well. Squeeze and strain the mixture. Drink 2 tablespoonful 2 times a day

REMARKS: Be suspicious if the child has cold and cough that have already lasted for a week or more. Also seek for immediate medical care if your child’s lip turns blue, and is breathing poorly which is an indication of the severe respiratory distress. Be aware for serious complications after the coughing cleared up, such as pneumonia and bronchitis.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Jamu Recipes for  Cough

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: A cough is not itself an illness, but it’s rather a protective reflect of the body against unwanted substances or micro-organism. This unwelcome reflex starts when the membranes lining the respiratory tract secrete excessive mucus or phlegm as an attempt to trap the virus, bacteria and any foreign particles or irritant. Coughing is a way to burst out the accumulated mucus with all the trapped unwanted bodies. Coughing also prevent the accumulated infected mucus falling into the bronchial tubes and lungs which may lead to a serious infection.  

INDICATIONS: Upper respiratory tract infection accompanied by coughing. Most common diseases that produces cough is common cold, flu, sinusitis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and tonsillitis

Recipe # 1
Cloves (Syzygym aromatica, cengkeh) – 15 pieces
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans, biji pala) – 1 piece nutmeg seed
Sour lime (Citrus aurantifolia, jeruk nipis) – 6 fruit balls
Betel leaves (Piper betle, daun sirih) – 15 pieces
Honey – adequate amount

Fine grind the cloves, and cut all sour limes into two pieces. Put all ingredients in a ceramic pan (don’t use a steel or a metal pan to avoid corrosion). Add 3 glasses of water and boil with the pan kept open to facilitate faster evaporation. Boil until left to a half. Cool for a while, and then pour the decoction in a bottle. The recommended dose for adults is 4 tablespoon 3 times a day, while for children 2 tablespoon once a day. To enhance taste, add adequate amount of honey as sweetener.

Recipe # 2
Sour lime (Citrus aurantifolia, jeruk nipis) – 1 ripe and sappy fruit ball
Betel leaves lime (kapur sirih) – adequate amount

Squeeze the sour lime, and add the juice with 1 glass of warm water. Put a little amount of betel leaves lime and stir well. The recommended dose is 2 tablespoon 2 times a day.

REMARKS: The above simple recipes are symptomatic relieves for cough, hence treatment of the underlying disease associated with cough should be carefully addressed too.    


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page.



PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: The tonsils are masses of lymphatic tissues that are located at the back of the throat. It produces antibodies in children as a first line body defense mechanism against infection in the upper respiratory tract. If these tonsils become infected, most likely by streptococcus bacteria, the condition is called tonsillitis. Tonsillitis often occurs in children from 3 – 7 years old and is usually not a serious problem, unless it develops to a tonsillar abscess that may block the air passing to the lungs. 

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of tonsillitis: a heavy sore throat with red and swollen tonsils. There may be a white spot or discharge on the infected tonsils. Tender and swollen lymph nodes may be felt in the neck under the jaw. It can be accompanied with low-grade or mild fever and headache.

Jamu Recipe # 1
Sour lime (Citrus aurantifolia, jeruk nipis) – 3 fruit balls

Peel the fruits, and clean wash the peeled skin. Cut the lime skin to small pieces and boil in 2 glasses of pure water. Let it boil until left to a ½ glass. Strain after cooling. Use the decoction as gargle and drink. Drink it 3 tablespoons, 3 – 4 times a day.

Jamu Recipe # 2
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans, buah pala) – 2 pieces of fruit
Cloves (Syzygym aromatica, cengkeh) – 20 pieces
Coconut oil (Oleum cocos nucifera, minyak kelapa) – 3 tablespoonfuls

Clean wash the nutmeg fruits and cloves. Squeeze them with the coconut oil until it become tender and mushy. Warm up the oily substance and apply evenly onto the neck. Do this twice a day.

Jamu Recipe # 3
Sour lime (Citrus aurantifolia, jeruk nipis) – 1 piece
Turmeric (Curcuma domestica, kunyit) – 1 thumb size cut
Honey – adequate amount

Squeeze out the lime juice and bruise the turmeric rhizome until it saps out. Mix them well and add an adequate amount of honey. Drink this little by little, 2 – 3 tablespoon, repeatedly during the day.

Jamu Recipe # 4
Indian mulberry juice (Morinda citrifolia, jus mengkudu) – 2 tablespoonful
Sour lime juice (Citrus aurantifolia, perasan jeruk nipis) – 1 teaspoonful
Turmeric sap (Curcuma domestica, air perasan kunyit) – 1 teaspoonful
Tea epiphytes decoction (Scurrula atropupurea, air rebusan benalu teh) 8 tablespoonful
Honey 2 tablespoonful

Put all the ingredients in a clean, boiled-water washed bottle and shake well.  Children from 7 – 12 years should take it 1 teaspoon 3 times a day, while children above 12, may take it 1 teaspoonful 5 times a day

REMARKS: In severe cases, as well as in repeated tonsil infection in some children, especially those with insufficient body-immune system a doctor may call for surgery or tonsillectomy. The above recipes are good symptomatic relieves for the early stages of tonsillitis. As tonsillitis is caused by streptococcus bacteria, it is likely that a doctor may prescribe an antibiotic as a causal treatment.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page.


Jamu Recipes For Asthma

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Asthma is a chronic respiratory disease that causes tightening of the chest and difficulty in breathing. The symptoms are not always present, and may come in episodes set off by various environmental or emotional triggers, that may be pollen, animal dander, tobacco smoke, cold weather, dust and stress. Asthma is not a problem of breathing-in, but with breathing-out which is indicated by the prominent wheezing during exhalation.

INDICATIONS: Symptoms of asthma; restlessness, insomnia, increasing tightness in chest, shortness of breath, prominent wheezing or whistling sound during breathing especially exhalation, coughing with or without phlegm. The patient feels exhausted, and in severe cases loss of consciousness may occur.

Jamu Recipe # 1
Lesser galangal (Kaempferia galangal, kencur) - adequate amount
Honey (madu) - 2 tablespoonfuls
Chicken egg - 1 piece
For external use:
Betel leaves (Piper betle, daun sirih) – 7 pieces
White pepper (Piper nigrum, merica) – 1 teaspoonful
Cajuput Oil (Oleum Melaleuca leucadendra, minyak kayu putih) – adequate amount

Decoction: Clean wash the rhizome, then scrape and squeeze the mushy substance. Mix the juice with the honey and egg, stir well until even, and drink at once.
Rub oil: Fine grind the betel leaves and white pepper then add adequate amount of cajuput oil. Mix well and rub the oily substance onto the chest and neck.

Jamu Recipe # 2
Young cotton leaves (Gossypium herbaceum folia, daun kapuk) – 6 pieces
Honey 1 tablespoonful

Clean wash the cotton leaves, grind to a fine mushy. Steep the substance in a cup of warm water. Add the honey and stir well, then strain off. Drink the decoction 2 tablespoons twice a day.

Jamu Recipe # 3
Garlic (Allium sativum, bawang putih) – 10 cloves
Honey – 1 tablespoon
Peel and clean wash the garlic cloves, cut to thin slices. Boil the slices in 2 glasses of pure water until left to 1¼ glass. Strain after cooling, then add the honey and stir well. Take the decoction ½ of a glass three times a day. 

Jamu Recipe # 4
Lemon grass stalk (Cymbopogon citrates, batang sereh) – 10 stalks
Sugar – adequate amount

Clean wash and bruise the lemon grass stalks. Boil in 5 glasses of water and add adequate amount of sugar. Let it boil till left to a half. Strain after cooling and drink a ½ glass of the decoction four times a day.

REMARKS: Asthma can be quite serious if not treated properly. An asthma attack may occur suddenly and past quickly or may last for a whole day with surprising intensity. Repeated attacks have the tendency to get worse and can lead to a condition called as status asthmaticus, an irreversible condition that needs hospital care. The above recipes are good symptomatic relieves for asthma, however, patients with asthma are suggested to regularly see a doctor to control the condition.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page.