Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Jamu for Thiamine (B1 Vitamin) Deficiency

 Thiamine or vitamin B1 is one of the essential vitamins which play an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fats and proteins, and it helps convert excess glucose into stored fat. Thiamine also maintains proper function of nerve impulse transmission and contributes in maintaining normal appetite, muscle tone and mental health. Thiamine is naturally found in rice, wheat, milk, cheese, and in various fruits and vegetables. Thiamine deficiency causes beriberi, a condition that is rare in present days, bust could still be found in poor communities or remote villages in the third world countries, where the understanding and distribution of nutritious food is still a problem. However, thiamine deficiency may occur in modern societies among people with alcoholism or poor diet for some reasons.

 Symptoms of thiamine deficiency: fatigue; loss of appetite; nausea; moodiness, weakness, joint pain, confusion, anemia and possible heart arrhytmias (irregular heart beats). Severe deficiency may show edema of the lower extremities where a finger pressure to the swollen skin leave a concave mark that will stay for quite long while. This sign is called pitting edema.

Recipe # 1


Young fresh papaya leaves (Carica papaya folia, daun papaya muda) – 1 handful
Honey (madu) – 1 tablespoon


Decoction: Clean wash and fine grind the papaya leaves. Add 1 glass of warm water and the honey. Mix well, squeeze and strain the sap. Drink this ½ glass 3 times a day.

Recipe # 2


Betel leaves (Piper betle folia, daun sirih) – 10 leaves
Bitter ginger rhizome (Zingiber amaricans rhizoma, akar lempuyang) – 3 finger-size cuts
Long pepper (Piper retrofractum, cabai Jawa) – 6 pieces
Red rice (Monascus purpureus, beras merah) – 1 cup
Wine – 2 cups


Clean wash and fine grind all ingredients. Add the wine to the mushy ground mixture and squeeze evenly. Use the mixture to rub and massage the entire body, 1 – 2 times a day

Recipe # 3


Green peas (Phaseolus radiatus, kacang hijau) – 1 cup
Coconut milk (santan) – 2 cups
Palm sugar (gula enau) – 2 finger-size cuts

 Mix all the ingredients and boil. Stir when cooking until it becomes a thick green-pea porridge. Eat this portion 2 times a day.



The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practitioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page