Monday, July 8, 2013


Jamu Recipes for Abdominal Pain

PATHO-PHYSIOLOGY: Abdominal pain is a symptom that may accompany many diseases particularly organs in the abdominal cavity along the gastrointestinal tract as well as infection of the abdominal wall lining. Ailments that are causing abdominal pain are; gastroenteritis, acid stomach, gastritis, peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, inguinal hernia, gallstones, pancreatitis, diverticulitis, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, menstrual cramps

 Abdominal pain (sometimes called colic)

Recipe # 1

Fine ground coffee – 1 tablespoon


Decoction: Steep the ground coffee with a glass of boiled water and let it cools down. Drink this, 2 glasses, 2 times a day. Note: some may be sensitive to coffee and may experience heart palpitation. In this case, the other recipes below are suitable substitutes

Recipe # 2 


Mango seed (Mangifera indica, biji mangga) – 1 piece of a ripe mango seed


Decoction: Peel the mango and spare the succulent flesh. Wash the seed and scrape. Add 2 tablespoon hot or boiled water with a little salt to the scraped mango seed and mix well. Squeeze the substance to get the juicy sap. Drink the sap 2 tablespoonful 2 times a day.

Recipe # 3 

Lansium domesticum – unpeeled fruit (duku berikut kulit) – 5 pieces of fruit.


Decoction: Fry the unpeeled fruit without oil until it turns black. Grind to fine the black fried fruits. Steep the ground fruits with ½ glass of boiled water and stir well. Drink this while warm and repeat this twice a day.

 Aside this symptomatic herbal treatment, causative treatment is necessary and should be based on the diagnosis of the underlying disease. Proper diagnosis to establish the cause should be done by a professional medical person. Contact your physician if abdominal pain becomes severe and persistent, and accompanied by other acute symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sharp and steady pain, or intense and sudden pain, severe cramping.


The recipes and techniques mentioned in this page are not meant to replace diagnosis and treatment of a medical practitioner. Before using any of these recipes, the author recommends to consult a physician. All the recipes has been used without any side effects and are considered safe. However, since some people have more sensitive skin or digestive system than others, and since the user’s actual recipe preparation is beyond the control of the author, the author accept no liability with regard to the use of recipes or techniques contained in this page